When you look at C1 used Corvette parts for sale, does it seem like they’ve been far, far too “used?” As you most likely know, the C1 era ran from 1953 to 1962. So, at the time of this writing, the absolute youngest, most “new” a C1 Corvette (and by extension, its parts) could be is 62 years old. That’s a lot of time and a lot of wear and tear for even the best parts. Here at CS of MD West, we offer reproduction, restoration, and NOS C1 Corvette parts.
Restored Original Parts
Many of the parts that we offer are the original parts, the ones that have been in classic Corvettes for years. They aren’t just like they were, however – we restored them. That means that we worked on them to the point where they are not just ready to be installed in your Corvette, but to provide you with high-quality performance for a long time to come.
Case in point: the 1958-1962 Corvette Restored Original Wiper Transmissions Pair that we currently offer. As you may have, unfortunately, discovered, the internal springs of the originals would break too easily. Or, alternatively, they could seize up.
In addition to offering these parts, we’ll also purchase your old cores, too, so that we can rebuild them.
Reproduction Parts: A Better Alternative to Used Corvette Parts for Sale
Even if you’re able to find used C1 Corvette parts online, it can be hard to know exactly how long they’re going to be able to help your Corvette. After all, so many of these parts weren’t exactly built to last. It’s not like they’re made out of the cutting-edge, more durable modern materials that we have today.
That’s where our reproduction parts can help. Here at CW of MD West, we offer many different kinds of reproduction parts. We create these out of modern materials, yes, but we also make sure that they look exactly how the originals did, all those decades ago. If someone were to look at our reproduction parts in your vehicle, it’s unlikely they’d know the difference.
Getting All of the Details Just Right
A great example of this: our 1960-1962 Reproduction Corvette Small Gauge Set. When we create reproduction parts, one of our main goals is to make sure these parts look how they should.
With these, you can get them with white or green printing. The green printing, as you may know, was for 1961 to 1962 Corvettes, whereas the white printing was for Corvettes made from 1960 to early 1961.
Corvette Parts for Corvette Owners
Yes, we offer plenty of reproduction and restoration parts for C1 Corvettes. But, we also offer those for C2 and C3 Corvettes as well. If you can’t find the exact right Corvette parts and accessories for your Corvette on our site, we encourage you to reach out to us. After all, we’re always getting new parts in. So, we may be able to help you to find exactly what you and your Corvette need.
To see how we can help, click here.