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C3 Corvette Parts That You Can See a Clear Difference With

C3 Corvette Parts

Does it seem like it’s getting harder and harder to find the right C3 Corvette parts for your Corvette? When you go online and search, do you feel like there are only inferior, worn-down parts on sale at exorbitant prices? Unfortunately, that’s all too often what you’ll find online for classic Corvette parts. Sure, C3 Corvettes are the “newest” of the classic Corvette models, but they’re still classics. Here at CS of MD West, we offer the very best in parts for your C3 Corvette. 

NOS C3 Corvette Parts that “Get Everything Right” 

When you see reproduction later-service parts that have something incorrect or even just slightly off, does it bother you? If so, you’re our kind of Corvette owner. Case in point: Corvette NOS Speedometer Trip Odometers. As of this writing, we have two available for 1968-1974 Corvettes, each in the original “AC Delco” box. Even beyond that box, you can tell them apart from the later service parts because these have the correct font. We see it as just one more way that we can offer our customers the best in Corvette parts. 

New Reproduction Parts (That Look Like They Came From the Past) 

We offer reproduction Distributor Caps for any Corvette made from 1958-1968. They’ve been reproduced to not just look like the originals, but to look exactly like the originals. Case in point: the “Delco Remy Patent Pending” on the cap — you’ll note that it has no “R.” While we take great pride in offering the very best in Corvette parts, we do understand that, sometimes, folks have cars that aren’t Corvettes. These distributor caps can be used in most other V8 Chevy engines from the era. 

No Part is Too Small to Get Exactly Right 

If you’re like so many of the Corvette owners that we talk to, when there’s something less than absolutely perfect with your Corvette, you notice it. Maybe others don’t, but you do. That’s why we make Corvette parts for the discriminating Corvette owner. A great example of this: our 1953-1977 speedometer or tachometer mount grommets. Grommets, as you’ve probably noticed, dry out. They get cracked. We sell two of them as a set, so that you can always have your Corvette run and look how you want. 

The Right Parts and More for Your Classic Corvette 

You may have read the above and thought: “that C3 Corvette speedometer sounds all right, but I’d rather have mine rebuilt.” If you have a Corvette speedometer that was many any year up to 1977, we can do exactly that. Additionally, while this blog touched on some of the C3 parts that we offer, it’s important to note that we have plenty of parts for your C2 and even C1 Corvettes. If we don’t specifically “have it,” odds are that we can either find it, make it, or repair it. To see all that we have at our site, click here, or give us a call at (800) 638-6450. 


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