LOOKING FOR A PART AND DON’T SEE IT ON OUR SITE? We can still help! Our company has been collecting parts for over 47 years! We have thousands of NOS, used original, and reproduction C1, C2, & C3 Corvette parts that are not listed online due to limited quantities. Use the Contact Form on this page to send us a list of the parts you’re looking for and we’ll check our stock and get back to you ASAP, usually within 1 business day! You can also contact us by direct email using [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE WE ARE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, but feel free to give us a call. We will gladly answer any questions you may have regarding our reproduction parts or restoration services. That’s right! Call us on the phone during business hours and speak to a real person. No voice prompts! If we’re not able to answer your call right away or you call after hours, you can leave a detailed message for us on our voicemail or use the Contact Form on this page to send us a message. We do our best to respond to all customer messages within 1 business day.
FAX: (760) 832-8691
Corvette Specialties of MD West is your “Restoration Leader” for over 47 years! We specialize in hard to find original, NOS, and reproduction parts and instrument restoration for C1, C2, and C3 Corvettes!