Have you been looking for Corvette restoration services you can trust? When you search online for “Corvette restoration parts,” does it feel like nothing lives up to your standards? That’s perfectly understandable. Your Corvette is more than a hobby, more than a car, more than an investment. It (and by extension, you) deserve the best in restoration services, parts, and care. Here at CS of MD West, we offer restoration services and parts for the tachometers and speedometers as well as so many other parts and areas of your Corvette, too.
Corvette Gauge Restoration
If you have classic Corvette gauges, we can make them work as they should. We can restore individual gauges as well as pairs of gauges from 1953-1962 Corvettes. Additionally, we can repair individual gauges for Corvettes from 1953-1976. It’s important to note that not every gauge (or part) needs to be “restored.” Some can actually be made to run properly and look great through repair. That said, three are some parts that can only be restored. Case in point: 1953-1962 gauges. We’ve found those tend to have flaking paint issues. Should that be the case, we blast the old paint (literally) and repaint the finishes. We see it as one more way that we can return classic Corvettes to their proper, true glory.
Glove Box Restoration
When you ride someone in your classic Corvette, you want to make a great impression. Obviously, a Corvette does so organically, as there’s never been a vehicle like it. That said, while it’s important to restore the gauges, the dash cluster, the side exhaust and so much more, one thing that almost all of your passengers will notice is the glove box door. We can restore those doors for Corvettes from 1964-65 and 1966-67. Our restoration often consists of disassembling the glove box door, repainting it on the front and back, as well as reinstalling a new, correct, brushed insert.
Wiper Motor Build Restoration
Eventually, rain will fall. Corvette restoration isn’t just about making Corvettes look exactly as they did in the past if not better (although that’s a crucial component) but it’s also about making sure they function exactly as they did in the past if not better. We offer Corvette wiper motor restoration services for Corvettes from 1955-1967. For more than 25 years, we’ve returned Corvette wiper motors to their proper state.
Always Getting Newer Corvette Restoration Parts
You may have read the above and thought: “OK, that all sounds great, but I don’t think I need restoration services for my Corvette, exactly. I just need some restoration parts.” We’ve got you covered there, too. At CS of MD West, we’re always creating as well as bringing in new restoration parts. You can see a partial list of items at our site, but remember, that’s just what we have listed as of this moment. We’ll probably list additional items tomorrow. Feel free to email with a list of your needs. If you have any questions about how we can help your Corvette, just reach out to (800) 638-6450.