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Corvette Side Pipes and More to Put Your Corvette Out Front

Corvette Side Pipes

Have you been looking for Corvette side pipes parts but it seems like the “pickings are slim” out there (to say the very least?) When you see the kinds of side exhaust parts that are out there, does it make you worry about how you’re going to keep your Corvette running and looking how you would like? We absolutely hear you. As Corvette owners ourselves, we understand how important it is to have a Corvette that runs and looks in a manner you deem worthy of a Corvette. To that end, we offer the kinds of side exhaust parts we have installed on our own Corvettes. 

1965-1967 Corvette Side Exhaust Cover Upper Mouldings 

When we created our new, reproduction upper mouldings for 1965-1967 side exhaust Corvettes, we wanted to make sure we could produce the most beautiful and accurate parts possible. To that end, we contracted with the manufacturers so that we could construct brand new tooling. But, we weren’t done. Then, we performed extensive research to make certain that we got all of the fit and minute details right (in addition to the appearance). We’re proud to say that the overall length of this, (unlike other, similar parts available on the market) is exactly like the original. If someone looks or rides in your Corvette, they won’t be able to tell the difference. 

Corvette Side Exhaust Cover Nuts for 1965-1967

We understand that, for many of our customers, they aren’t looking for the “biggest” parts for their Corvettes. Rather, they’re looking for the “smallest,” those parts that the average person may not notice but a true Corvette enthusiast absolutely will. To that end, we offer u-nuts that were used in seven different locations on both sides of a 1965-1967 factory side exhaust car. If you’ve been looking for parts like these, then you already know there were no correct reproductions of these nuts (until now). Of special note is the “M” logo on each nut. That’s what separates these from the generic “u-nuts” that have flooded the market in recent years. 

More Parts for the Pipes 

Beyond side pipes, we also offer parts such as these NOS 1961-1962 tail pipe hangers. These go on the tailpipe at the furthest, towards the front. As they come in a pair, they’re for the left and right hand. We didn’t just get these in or anything of that nature. Indeed, we’ve had these in our inventory since the late ’70s. 

Restocking to Offer You The Best Parts Possible 

Our side pipe parts are popular. How popular? Well, as of this writing, our side exhaust covers are currently on backorder. We believe that we’ll have replenishment around December of this year, 2021. Once we’re replenished, then we’ll fill backorder requests in the order they were received. We’re currently adding folks to our backorder list. Beyond that, we’re always getting new Corvette parts and accessories in. To see what we have to offer, head to our site, or give us a call at (800) 638-6450. 

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