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New, NOS, and Used Corvette Parts for Sale No Matter What

Corvette parts for sale

You never can tell what’s going to happen on the road ahead. You can plan, you can drive carefully, you can do everything you should, but the unexpected is always going to occur. As of this writing, we’re in the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the pandemic has ended, we’re all healthy, and life has returned to normal. But in this moment, we’re all facing challenges. CS of MD West is open. We are operational, albeit with minimal staff. We’re filling orders, proceeding on restorations – so you can still buy new, NOS, and used Corvette parts for sale

Corvette Parts for Sale: Closing the Showroom So We Can Stay Healthy 

It breaks our hearts to do it, but we have closed the showroom until further notice. It was the right thing to do, as it’s one way to continue the social distancing that can help to slow or even stop the spread of COVID-19. On top of that, here at CS of MD West, when we work on filling your orders and restorations, we’re always practicing good hygiene and social distancing. That means standing more than six feet apart, wiping everything down, washing our hands, and everything else that so many of us do these days. 

A Good Time for a Corvette Ride 

Staying at home is the best way to help stop the spread of the disease. That’s true everywhere. That said, sometimes you do need to go outside too: whether it’s for a trip to the grocery store, the bank, or just to go for a walk in the park with your family. It’s important for your physical health as well as your emotional health. Another thing that might help your emotional health: taking your Corvette out for a spin. If you’re someone who does drive your Corvette every now and then, it can feel good just to get out on the open road with the window down. These are the kinds of little things that can make a difficult time all that much more tolerable. As ever, let’s remain healthy. 

Corvette parts for sale

Good Time to Work on Your Corvette, Too 

For many of us, it was always hard to fit working on the Corvette in the course of a busy day. Of course, many of us have more free time now than we might have had before. It can feel good to just spend a bit of time every now and then working on your Corvette more than you might have in the past. We have all of the parts available to make your Corvette be what you want it to. 

Always For Sale: New, NOS, and Used Corvette Parts

By doing everything we can to keep ourselves and those who count on us safe, we can come out on the other side of this eventually. We’ll always be here, fulfilling your orders, working on your restorations, and more. For more information about what we offer, head to our site or call us at (800) 638-6450.

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