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Corvette Grille Teeth to Put the Bite Back in Your Corvette

CS of MD West 10/07/21
Corvette Grille Teeth

Is it getting more and more difficult to find the right grille teeth for your Corvette? Does it seem like every time you search online for Corvette grille teeth you find either a broken down version of the original grille teeth or an inferior reproduction? The truth is that there are classic Corvette parts and…

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C2 Corvette Parts that See Results

Brian Tilles 10/08/20
corvette restoration parts

Every make and model of classic Corvette is special. Each contributed to the Corvette mythos, the very embodiment of American muscle. However, for many, the C2 era Corvettes are the ones that are most ingrained in the American psyche. These are the Corvettes that come to mind for so many when they think of “Corvette.”…

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Putting the Bite Back in Corvette Grille Teeth

csofmdwest 06/14/19
Corvette Grille Teeth

There’s nothing like a first impression. That first impression sticks with people for a long time, and it’s very hard to change once they’ve been ingrained. That’s true with people and it’s true with cars, as well. Very few cars, throughout history, have made a first impression quite like the Corvettes with grille teeth. Many…

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Bite into the Right Corvette Grille Teeth

csofmdwest 02/16/19
Corvette Grille Teeth

Corvette grille teeth make a statement. They’re visually arresting. It’s one of the more instantly iconic looks for a vehicle really ever. You could take one look at those teeth and know basically everything you would need to know about the car as well as the person driving it. Today, those teeth may seem like…

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