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NOS C3 Corvette Parts to Showcase What Your Corvette Can Be

c3 corvette parts

Do you want to get more out of your C3 Corvette? Does it seem as if so many of the parts that you look into for your C3 Corvette would just keep it going as it is or worse? We believe that you should be able to get as much out of your Corvette as possible. Here at CS of MD West, we offer top-quality NOS C3 Corvette parts and more. That way, you can restore your C3 Corvette to the level that you want. 

Remember: the parts below are just some of what we offer for C3 Corvettes. There’s so much more than this available here. 

Important NOS Parts (That the Lay Person Might Miss) 

There are some Corvette owners who only get the parts that, well, other people are going to notice. These would be exterior parts, or perhaps parts that a passenger might notice when they get into the vehicle. Those parts are crucially important, yes. However, there are so many other parts that are just as important even if your passengers aren’t impressed simply by looking at them. We offer classic Corvette parts for the enthusiast who understands the best parts make for the best possible Corvette experience. 

A good example of this: the 1968-1973 Corvette NOS Accelerator Cable we’re currently offering. 

This isn’t exactly going to be the first person someone notices about your Corvette when they walk by. However, you sure will be able to notice it in your Crovette’s performance. This part, as you may know, connects from the pedal rod at the firewall to the carburetor. This part can help you to get the best possible performance out of your Corvette. 

This is a great part for Corvettes from 1968 and 1969 early 427 with 3 X 2 Corvette, as well as 1970-1973 Corvettes, too. 

Great NOS Parts Coming in Pairs 

It can be particularly frustrating to find parts for your classic Corvette that come in pairs that basically have to match. After all, as you may have already experienced, it can feel like a Herculean task to find one of the Corvette parts that you may need, let alone two. That’s just one of the many reasons that we’re always proud to offer parts in pairs when we can.

As of this writing, we’re offering a pair of 1968 Corvette NOS Back-Up Light Body Gaskets. As you may notice if you’ve been to our website, we capitalize the word “PAIR” multiple times. That’s because these parts are just that challenging to find. 

These parts, as you may be aware, seal the backup light housing to the fiberglass lower exhaust panel. You can’t get away with just having one of these, as two are required per every Corvette. 

As with so many of our other NOS parts, these are in excellent condition and in the original Delco boxes from back in the day.

Rare Parts for Rare Cars 

We believe in offering as many quality Corvette parts as possible for Corvette owners. That means offering parts that will fit a wide range of Corvette owners and Corvettes, yes. But, it also means offering very specific parts that will only perfectly fit a few Corvettes. We don’t believe that just because your Corvette is rare your parts should be impossible to find. Case in point: the 1978 Corvette Pace Car NOS LH Side Front Fender Lower Stripe we’re currently offering. 

This part is only for 1978 Corvette Pace Cars. It won’t be used on any other kind of car. This is only for the left hand side front fender, too. If you have this Corvette, you deserve to have the best parts for it. 

This is a genuine GM new old stock part, one that is still in its original box. In fact, this part is so “NOS” that even the box is in great shape. Indeed, it has no creases, you won’t find any part of it has peeled, and, in fact, it has no visible damage of any kind whatsoever. 

We understand how tempting it may be to install these yourself. However, professional installation is recommended with these parts. 

C1, C2, C4, and C3 Corvette Parts 

The above constitutes just a fraction of the NOS C3 Corvette parts that we’ve recently gotten in. There are so many others. It would be impossible to list all of the C3 parts on this blog or any blog. And, of course, that’s just the parts for C3 Corvettes – we also offer parts for C1, C2, and C4 Corvettes as well. Each of them meet the high, high standards for excellence that these parts do. 

To see everything that we have to offer, we invite you to check out the rest of our site. If you want to talk to an expert, give us a call. 

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