Are you tired of settling for used C1 Corvette parts? Whenever you look for parts for your C1 Corvette, does it seem like they’re all too worn down, used up, and not in the best of shape? Finding the right parts for your C1 Corvette can feel as if it gets more challenging every year. The beginning of the Corvette line, these cars (and, subsequently, their parts) were manufactured some time ago. Here at CS of MD West, we offer plenty of reproduction parts, yes, but we are also proud to offer NOS parts.
At first, it may seem unlikely: “NOS parts for a C1 Corvette?” Absolutely. Over the years, we’ve cultivated relationships throughout the Corvette world. As such, we’re able to get our hands on the very best NOS parts. These parts really are NOS, too – they weren’t used. Indeed, many of them are still in the original box and have been since manufacture.
A NOS Clutch Flywheel That Comes Through in the Clutch
If you’ve been searching for a 1963-1985 GM Performance NOS Clutch Flywheel, then you may know just what a challenge that can be. After all, this part was discontinued by GM in the not recent past. We currently offer one and, moreover, it’s still in the original box.
We have offered many different parts at our site for Corvettes for many years. Few of our parts can work in as many Corvettes as this one. For example, it fits Corvettes of every year from 1963 through 1985. That’s not a misprint, we didn’t mean to type “1965.” This really works for more than two decades of different Corvette models.
The truth is it actually fits more Corvettes than that, too. For example, if you use a 10.4-inch pressure plate, you can actually also get it to work on 1962 Corvettes and even those from earlier. Big block, small block, this part can help a wide range of Corvettes.
That said, there are limitations to how this part can be used: it’s not for use with external balance engines.
“The Last Part GM Offered for C1 Corvettes”
GM made many parts for the C1 Corvette, but, eventually, they stopped making parts. Currently, we offer the very last part they made for these cars. Moreover, it’s an NOS part, so it’s like it was sent to you directly from 1962. The last part GM ever made for the C1 Corvette was the Hood Release Cable.
These parts are, at the risk of understatement, hard to find. How hard to find are they? Well, even the reproduction cable is a challenge to find at this time.
These are actually better than many of the parts that were used at the time. Consider that, while this is the correct cable, GM used a generic knob as opposed to the original knob which was labeled “Hood Release.”
The knobs were a press fit, so owners who wanted to have their Corvette judged found a way around this. They would use an original knob from an old cable and then, to really clean up on points, they would install on these NOS cables. Now, you can do the same for your C1 Corvette.
“Excellent Like-New” Condition C1 Corvette Parts
It can be a challenge to find parts that are in “excellent, like-new” condition for any classic Corvette, but perhaps especially the C1 Corvettes. That’s exactly what we offer in this 1960-1962 Corvette Air Filters A350C.
This is a real, true, genuine new old stock filter. So much so, in fact, that its’ in the original AC Delco box.
You can tell very quickly that it’s in excellent, like-new condition because there is no visible damage of any kind to the rubber frame, the screen, or the filter paper. If you’ve been dealing with the oil-soaked foam original filter, then this is a paper replacement that can get the job done for you.
More Than Just Parts for Your C1 Corvette
Each of these parts have sat in those boxes for more than half a century. In that time, they weren’t run down, they didn’t have to deal with the wear and tear of being on the road (or even in a vehicle). Instead, they were simply waiting in those boxes for an opportunity to help restore a C1 Corvette to glory.
That said, it’s important to note that these are just some of the parts for C1 Corvettes that we offer. Indeed, there are plenty of parts available here that are reproduction and restoration parts, too. They, too, can help your C1 Corvette to be what you want it to be.
Beyond that, we also offer parts for C2 and C3 Corvettes. To see everything that we have to offer, click here.