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What Do Our C2 Corvette Side Exhaust Parts Offer?

corvette side exhaust

In a word, quality. When it comes to C2 Corvette side exhaust parts, we offer a higher caliber of parts. That said, we offer many different kinds of exhaust parts, too. One of our main goals is always to be able to offer as many quality classic Corvette parts as possible. That means offering the parts that many Corvettes will need, yes. But, it also means offering parts that will be specific to a smaller number of Corvettes. That way, more classic Corvette owners can find the parts their Corvette requires (and the quality of which they’ll require them). 

A Process Built for Quality 

When it comes to these parts, we use our highest quality control. That helps in many ways, not the least of which is that it both ensures quality as well as fit on the car itself. 

How did we do that? First, it starts with getting a set of the original blueprints. Sure, we could have gone from the existing parts, but, by using the original blueprints, we’re able to start from the very beginning without the possibility of missing any details. 

With those original blueprints, we then constructed all new tooling for the covers themselves. This, as you might imagine, was an intensive process. That took us three years and we were glad to take that time. As a result of that exhaustive process, we were able to create new tooling that makes for high-quality parts. 

With that new tooling, you won’t find any of those “tooling marks,” (gouges and the like) that may have been all too prevalent on these parts from the original worn tooling. This shows up in other details, too. 

The Correct Look Down to the Smallest Detail

We always go that extra length to make sure that these parts look exactly as they should. For example, the masking, the paint detail, and the like, are all made as accurate as can be. That extends from the “big” details through the “little” ones (which, of course, when it comes to your classic Corvette, aren’t all that “little.”) 

Case in point, for the side exhaust covers, you’ll note that the fiberglass heat shields are the proper dark grey color. You won’t get any of that light gray that you may see from OTC parts. Plus, you’ll be able to see the fibers, too. 

With the U-Nuts, we’ve made those to look just like the originals, too. These have the “M” logo on each part. We’re proud to offer the kinds of details that both classic Corvette connoisseurs as well as judges will notice. Generic replacements will get docked points by judges, but our reproductions (and their “M” logo) will get judging points. 

That said, you don’t need to take your Corvette to be judged to see the benefits of our detailed work. 

For example, with the Upper Mouldings, you may have noticed that the original parts may have had excess material that was folded in a simple straight method. Service/later parts, of course, didn’t have that. They had a diagonal appearance that could best be described as “messy.” If there’s one thing that our reproduction parts will never be, it’s “messy.” Ours look just like the originals with that straight, folded method. 

Beyond that, we also made sure to make screw placement easier and proper, too. To that end, our parts have the correct hole size as well as the right location on each end. That way, you never have to worry about how to place the screws – it’ll work exactly like the originals. 

Many Kinds of Side Exhaust Parts 

Always, we want to offer as many different kinds of Corvette parts as possible – and that extends to the exhaust as well. For example, we currently offer reproduction 1965-1967 Upper Mouldings in a pair. 

We also offer 1965-1967 covers, too. Of course, in addition to offering as many Corvette parts as possible, we want to be able to offer as many Corvette parts as possible for the lowest price. That means when you purchase our 1965-1967 covers, you’ll also get 14 correct 3880494 U-nuts and a mounting hardware kit, too. 

Of course, you can also purchase a set of 14 U-Nuts, too. Heat shields are also available in a four piece set. Those are just some of the side exhaust parts we’re currently offering. 

More Than Exhaust Parts 

Parts for your classic Corvette exhaust are just one of the many different kinds of parts that we offer. If there’s something that can improve how your Corvette looks or how it runs, the odds are good that you’ll be able to find it here at our site. And, if you can’t find it here at our site, the odds are also good that we have it coming in. To see how we can help, click on our site or call.

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