Are all of the used Corvette parts for sale you look at online becoming more and more the same? Have you grown weary of finding a seemingly-decent used part only to find that, buried in the description, are any number of pertinent facts that make the part no longer decent for your classic Corvette? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. Here at Corvette Specialties of MD West, we’re proud to offer plenty of alternatives to those used parts that probably shouldn’t be used in your Corvette.
Below are just some of the newer parts that we’ve gotten in for classic Corvettes. There are many others. NOS, reproduction, restoration – there are parts here for your classic Corvette. And, if you should come to our site and not find exactly what you’re looking for, reach out to us. It’s entirely possible that we still may be able to help you restore your Corvette to what you want it to be.
New Parts With Minor Blemishes (That Really Are Minor)
It’s entirely possible that, in your research of Corvette parts, you come across a phrase like “minor blemishes” and your eyes glaze over just a bit. All too often, when someone says that their parts have “minor blemishes,” those blemishes are, alas, far more than merely “minor.” That is not the case with our 1963-1965 Corvette GF-90 Black Fuel Filter parts. These parts do have minor blemishes, yes, but they don’t affect performance in the slightest.
No, these blemishes are genuinely minor and, importantly, just cosmetic. That means they only affect how the part looks, and not in the slightest how it functions. To be clear, the only reason these parts do not meet our “First-Quality Standards” is because of how they look. Their functionality meets our high standards and exceeds them. But, because of this, we’re offering these parts for less than we would otherwise.
So, if you’re looking to get this kind of part at a bargain (and you don’t plan on putting your Corvette into a contest or anything of that nature) then these parts can absolutely provide the level of quality performance that you’re looking for. Here at Corvette Specialties of MD West, we would never sell any kind of part with a defect other than a cosmetic blemish, nor any one that has a blemish which would have a deleterious effect on its fit and/or function. These parts can help your classic Corvette to run better.
Side Exhaust Cover Fiberglass Heat Shields
There are many parts of classic Corvettes that, in the course of operation, have been through a lot. They’ve received the wear and tear. For those newer to classic Corvettes, it can be a bit of a challenge to wrap your head around the idea that so many of these vehicles were just cars folks drove. They took them to and from work, the store, on vacation, and so forth. They were everyday cars. As such, the parts went through a lot. We’re here to offer parts that can help restore Corvettes, such as the 1965-1967 Corvette Side Exhaust Cover Fiberglass Heat Shields.
For starters, we always believe in giving our customers more. So, we sell these in sets of four. That means you’ll get two long pieces, two short pieces, and they fit two side exhaust covers. The liners are fully reversible, so you don’t have to worry about using the right one on the right side of the car.
As with so many other parts that we made, they are created to look as much like the originals as possible. With these parts, that means that the heat shields are both made of fiberglass and use the correct dark gray color (just as the originals did). You install these parts on your Corvette and it’s like sending your car back in time.
Something Better Than Just Used Corvette Parts for Sale, Today and Tomorrow
These parts just barely scratch the surface of all of the parts that we offer for classic Corvettes. If there’s a part that you want for your Corvette, the odds are that we either have it or we can help you to find it.
By that same token, we offer restoration services, too. Perhaps the best part for your classic Corvette is one that’s already in it, it just needs to be improved so that it can continue to better serve your Corvette. If you have any questions about what we offer or want to learn more, we invite you to check out our site or give us a call.